Wednesday, 6 June 2007

Defiance 2


I defy the morning rising
Though I saw the setting sun
I defy that night is coming
Even though my day is done
I defy all that is spoken
But seek truth, where ‘ere its from
I defy the masses massing
Knowing not their right nor wrong
I defy all of creation
Yet I think I do belong
I defy the very tempest
Though I know I am not strong
I defy all life’s illusions
Yet love what they're built upon
I defy that death will take me
It's long lonely journey on
I defy the very moment
When all things return to one
I defy the state of nothing
Which is why I wrote this song
As my spirit shall be fighting
Still defiant
On and on
When all around
Is dressed in silence
After everything
Has gone


Egal Bohen

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