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If you want adventure
If you want fly
Take a ship with three masts
And square sails set high
With the wind on it’s quarter
Go sail a green sea
Where the skies are pure blue
And white clouds fly free
Set your feet on the deck
Let your eyes only see
Sail set, the rigging
A compass and sea
Hold tight the wheel
The ship feels alive
As it strains for its head
In an angular dive
Into the trough
Of the wave next to come
Her quivering timbers
In a wind driven plunge
Then a thud and a shudder
As the sea in it’s tons
Is parted like butter
As onward she runs
Her bow lifted upward
Then over the crest
This ship just loves it!
No other does best
Her sails all a’strain
In her rigging wind hums
As straight down her decks
The white spray is flung
You have salt on your lips
Down your neck oceans run
On your face is a smile
That will rival the sun’s
Then she kicks on the wheel
Her bow swerves up ahead
Like a dolphin she plays
She’ll take all in her stead
So if you want adventure
If you want to fly
Take a ship with three masts
It’s topsails set high
Find wind on the quarter
Go sail a green sea
Where the skies are pure blue
And the white clouds fly free
Egal Bohen
If you want fly
Take a ship with three masts
And square sails set high
With the wind on it’s quarter
Go sail a green sea
Where the skies are pure blue
And white clouds fly free
Set your feet on the deck
Let your eyes only see
Sail set, the rigging
A compass and sea
Hold tight the wheel
The ship feels alive
As it strains for its head
In an angular dive
Into the trough
Of the wave next to come
Her quivering timbers
In a wind driven plunge
Then a thud and a shudder
As the sea in it’s tons
Is parted like butter
As onward she runs
Her bow lifted upward
Then over the crest
This ship just loves it!
No other does best
Her sails all a’strain
In her rigging wind hums
As straight down her decks
The white spray is flung
You have salt on your lips
Down your neck oceans run
On your face is a smile
That will rival the sun’s
Then she kicks on the wheel
Her bow swerves up ahead
Like a dolphin she plays
She’ll take all in her stead
So if you want adventure
If you want to fly
Take a ship with three masts
It’s topsails set high
Find wind on the quarter
Go sail a green sea
Where the skies are pure blue
And the white clouds fly free
Egal Bohen
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