To work out where we are
To know what is life's game
We need first to ourself
Our body explain
This craft that we pilot
This ship with our name
It floats in a place where horizons
They change
This place in our wisdom
We have "Universe" named
This Universe
It's illusions are part
Of our body and mind
Of each pumping heart
Defined by our brain
Our attention determines our place
In this plane
Now this craft and the seas
That it sails
Are a game
A screen
Like a stage
Where our consciousness dreams
It is here time is made
As we witness each change
One breath to another
Decay in a cell
Stellar expansion
We measure them well
All the motion we see
This change
We call Time
Results from attraction
Down the line
No one knows where it ends
Nor where it began
But one thing is certain
You are part
The Plan
Egal Bohen
March 2012