Monday, 24 September 2007

For no one can fix on me what is ugly

A Thought for the Day
The Meditations
Marcus Aurelius


Begin the morning by saying to yourself:


I shall meet with the busy-body
The ungrateful
The arrogant
The deceitful
The envious
All these things happen to them by reason of their ignorance
What is good
But I
Who have seen the nature of the good
That it is beautiful
And of the bad
That it is ugly
And the nature of him who does wrong
That it is
Akin to me
Not only of the same blood or seed
But that it participates in the same intelligence
And the same portion of the divinity
I can neither be injured by any of them


For no one can fix on me
What is ugly
Nor can I be angry
With my kinsman
Nor hate him
For we are made for co-operation
Like feet
Like hands
Like eyelids
Like the rows of the upper and lower teeth
To act against one another then
Contrary to nature
It is acting against one another
To be vexed
To turn


Marcus Aurelius Antonius Augustus

Roman Emperor

160 t0 180 AD


And Still So True


I, Like The View said...

that is so true


amazing how little we change over the centuries really, isn't it - a humbling thought

thanks egal..

Egal Bohen said...



But please don't thank me -

Marcus Aurelius is a genius so far as behaviour is concerned - he has been my favoured mentor for many years now but still find it difficult to put his wisdom into practice sometimes.

(I keep finding myself reverting to more neanderthal responses!)

He was a very astute, understanding person - have you read his Meditations?

If not there is a link in his name


I, Like The View said...

I will do

and I do thank you


Mel said...


Well, that put me right to size.

*hanging head*

Humbled again.

Egal Bohen said...

No Mel,not humbled, revered.


Kathryn said...

I recently picked up a copy of his Meditations at random from the local bookshop. It quickly became one of my favorite books. What an amazing man he must have been.